Art journal flip through – Part 1
This is a post about art journal flip through. I have been making art journals since one year. This is one of those. I have already shared about handmade albums I made recently. This one I made for my niece. This is the biggest art journal I made. The complete flip through might take several posts. Let me start from these pages.

The first and the second page
Once the front page is opened, the left hand side is decorated with lace and pattern papers. I have made a small frame to hold the photo of the owner of this art journal. The next page too is decorated with flowers and laces. I have used stamping technique too. This is not full page, three fourth of the page.

The time table page
This is for time table and scheduling. So I have decorated this with clock designs. There are pages to write on left side and the notes can be put in the pocket made on the next page.

One more pocket
The next page has one more pocket, if the flap with the bird design is opened , then we can find the pocket there. The right page a brown page with lace. This can be used for photos or writing.

The pocket

Page with lace pocket
Next page has pocket. This pocket is again made with lace. The next page is simple writing page. So I have a small type writer design embellishment on the corner.

Mixed media page
This has the designer pocket. I have designed this using mixed media. Next page is again a plain page for writing.
The journey of making art journals started with this journal. The journey. Flip through of this art journal will continue in several posts. Keep visiting this space to learn more about different arts and crafts of the world.
Love ,Laugh and Live the life to the fullest,