Bottle art-Tutorial- Tissue decoupage on a bottle-Part1
I have shared about different kinds of bottle art. On some I have used sospesso art, and on few I have used decoupage. In this post sharing the tutorial for bottle art with decoupage.
Materials required :
- Any empty bottle, cleaned with soap water

An empty bottle
2. One or two bundles of cpaper rope

Paper chord
3. Tissue , decoupage gum, water , sponge and fevicol

Printed tissue, water, sponge and decoupage gum
Procedure :
- Apply fevicol on the surface of the bottle, and slowly wrap the thread chord around it.

Attaching the chord around the bottle
This is how it looks now:

Bottle after attaching chord
2. Apply a coat of primer all over:

After application of primer
Now the printed tissue shall be attached on this. As this tutorial is lengthy, so sharing in the next post.
Love , laugh and live the life to the fullest,
Very good art