From where to buy dolls for Dasara Gombe Habba, in Bengaluru?
This time I could not go out in search of place to know where to buy dolls in Bengaluru. I wish I could. Sharing about the images of the...
This time I could not go out in search of place to know where to buy dolls in Bengaluru. I wish I could. Sharing about the images of the...
In last post I have shared a saree which is designed using screen print. If any designer knows how to screen print, it is an advantage. Screen printing can...
I love to do neck designs for Kurti using different techniques, like embroidery, tatting ,fabric painting and crochet. Here I found a Kurti , which I had bough long...
I haven’t worked on crochet doilies for a long. This week starting a crochet doily , finished half of it. Still more rows to be completed in this crochet...
This week I have continued with the same work of my relief painting and sculptural painting. Some tatting works are going on. This week I am not sharing any...
Last week I had shared a hairstyle embroidery design. That is little western style. Indian Bridal hairstyle is more colorful and gorgeous than any kind of hairstyle. In South...
Many readers ask me from where to get good block printing materials. Earlier I used to purchase it from local market. But in this pandemic , it is risky...
Rakhi festival is very unique and significant. All Indian festivals and rituals have a reason behind the celebration. Similarly, Raksha Bhandan, or Rakhi festival. This is the festival to...
My blog started with the first post of saree screen printing. Because of our house shifting , I was not doing any screen printing work. I have approximately hundred...
I am very fond of decoupage. It is a simple technique, with which we can redesign boxes, furniture etc. Recently I have shared a tutorial of using decoupage to...