Ceramic work

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20 Responses

  1. Antarik says:

    Looks wonderful. I have seen a relative doing similar work and so can understand how much effort goes into making these. Good job and good luck 🙂

  2. SHANOJ K says:

    Nice 🙂

  3. viji says:

    This is so pretty.

  4. magiceye says:

    this is beautiful Ranjana!

  5. Very neat and classy.

  6. Gorgeous colors, contrast and design, Ranjana. Inspiring.

  7. kannaji e says:

    Nice ranjana..!just like u i ve so many things want to do but the factor called time never make it fulfil..still im trying my best… just check some of my works on http://4rfactor.blogspot.in/

  8. ramyasblog says:

    This is my first visit to your blog ranjana… It is superb idea… I'll try this one…:)

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