Dasara Gombe Habba – From where to buy dolls- Online shops
One thing I like about Dasara the most is Gombe Habba. From the year I started this blog, every year I write about Gombe Habba. We don’t have this custom of Gombe Habba during Dasara. Gombe habba is clebrated in Bangalore, Mysore , in some parts of Tamilnadu and Andhra Pradesh. This is known as Golu in Tamilnadu and Andhra Pradesh.So first time I came to know about Gombe Habba, through a Kannada movie. Watching Gombe Habba scene in that movie, I was very much fascinated. After I moved to Bangalore, I had got an invitation from one of my friends to see Gombe Habba at her place. I still remember , how I saw all the dolls arranged, like a kid. 🙂
After that every year I used to get invitations from many friends. Frankly speaking, every year I wait that, someone would invite me for the Gombe habba. Here are some of the posts, I have shared about my visits to Gombe Habba :
Gombe Habba – Dolls everyehere
Gombe Habba with different themes- Festival
Gombe Habba with different themes
Two years ago, Vijaya Karnataka , one of the leading Kannada news papers, had invited me to judge the Gombe Habba competition conducted by them. It was wonderful experience to visit more than 10 houses to see the dolls arrangements there. I could see many unique dolls during the visit.
Because my posts about Gombe Habba, I get enquiries like where to buy dolls for Dasara. I had visited the Malleshwaram (Bangalore) to see the dolls in the dolls shops. There are many shops, which sell many varieties of dolls. If you visit Malleshwaram 15 days before Dasara, you feel like, you are walking down the street of dolls :).
Last year I had shared where to buy dolls in Bangalore for Dasara Gombe Habba.
I have enquiries regarding the online shops for Dasara dolls. In this post sharing about few online stores of Dasara dolls. I am sharing about the online shop, from which I have bought.
Sriram Sumruddhi
First one is Sriram Samruddhi- They have wide variety of dolls, Kondapalli, Etikopaka , Channapattana dolls, papier mache dolls, brass miniatures , steel miniatures and many more. The people who are running the online shop are very passionate about the craft of doll making. We get very authentic products from them. I have bought 2-3 dolls from Sriram Sumruddhi. The uniqueness about Sriram Sumruddhi is they use all eco friendly materials and no plastics.
Here are some of the dolls from their collection :

Some unique dolls

Brass Miniatures

Wooden Miniature
This year Sriram Sumruddhi has introduced big dolls like the below ones:

Big dolls from Sriram Sumruddhi
But these big size dolls will be available to customers next year.
The contact details of Sriram Sumruddhi:
FB page : https://www.facebook.com/sriramsamruddhi
WhatsApp Number : 8179047096
They ship to anywhere India. This year they have started selling in few places in USA and Singapore.
Here are the contact details of the USA sale point :
Radhika (Hourton)
Phone number : +1-346-715-2181
Padmaja (Dallas)
Phone number: +1-805-791-9741
Ramya (Austin)
Phone number : +1-408-686-9848
Contact details of Singapore sale point:
Anuradha Kashi
Phone number :+65 96390199
When I spoke to proprietor of Sriram Sumruddhi , Ms. Sailaja, her concern was they are not able to sell very effectively outside India, as people ask for the same price as in India. But they ship it outside India, and the shipping cost is also involved. Whoever promoting it outside India are just doing it for their love toward our culture , and it is helping our artisans. Their works are not aimed at money.
If I come across any Dasara dolls -online shops, which provide quality products, will add the details to the same post.
Planning to visit some Dasara dolls shops in other parts of Bangalore. Will share in coming posts.
Until then,
Love, Laugh and Live the life to the fullest,
Awesome, Thanks for the info’s.