Dasara Gombehabba- From where to buy dolls -some more online shops
In my previous post, about online shops to buy Dasara golu dolls, I have given the details about , an online shop exclusively for Dasara dolls- Srirama Sumruddhi . This post is continuation of the previous post. Listing some more options to buy dolls for Dasara gombehabba.
EC Indian Handicrafts
This is also run by an art enthusiast lady Ms. Suchitra. She makes decorated marapachi (Pattada Gombe)and rubber dolls . This was started as hobby and now grown into small business. She decorates dolls on order basis. She is passionate about ,doll decoration and she takes very few orders to give justice to each of her customers.
Here are some of the decorated dolls from Suchitra:
Pattada Gombe is must in Dasara gombehabba. Below is set of Pattada Gombe decorated by Suchitra.

Pattada Gombe decorated for Dasara Gombehabba
Here are set of Pattada Gombe, specifically in different styles, depending on the state:

Pattada Gombe decorated in different styles
Each doll is decorated, considering very minute details. The artists interest is seen in these decoration. One can find out, to which state style the costume of the dolls belong to, by looking at these Dasara dolls.

Rubber dolls decorated- Very cute
Below are the dolls decorated as God and Goddess pairs

God and Goddess pairs
These are the dolls, decorated with costumes of different dance forms.

Different dance costumes on dolls

Doll couple 🙂 just married.
And , these are doll couple ready to get married :).
The person, who is not celebrating Gombe Habba too will tempted to buy from these collection of dolls. Here are the details how you can buy from EC Indian Handicrafts.
FB page : https://www.facebook.com/EcIndianHandicrafts/
By sending message on FB page, one can buy these dolls. You can order for customization too.
The payment mode is online transfer.
These dolls are shipped any location of customer’s choice.
Yet to visit many places in Bangalore, where the dolls are sold. for Dasara Gombe Habba. Excited to visit and click the photos of the cute dolls. Soon will share with you.
-until then,
Love, Laugh and Live the life to the fullest,