From where to buy dolls for Dasara Gombe Habba, in Bengaluru?
This time I could not go out in search of place to know where to buy dolls in Bengaluru. I wish I could. Sharing about the images of the dolls. These are sent by the shop owner , where these dolls are sold. This shop is in Basavanagudi , in Bengaluru. Though they haven’t started selling it online, looking at the images I can tell, they have variety of dolls. I feel it is a must visit , if you are planning to celebrate gombe habba.
Let me start with idols or dolls of Gods and Goddesses first. The below are sets. One needs to buy complete sets of dolls.
Let me start with set of dolls of Maa Durga:

Set of dolls- Maa Durga
This set contains dolls depicting all the nine forms of Maa Durga. The height of each doll is 6 inches.
Next one is set of Ashta Laxmi dolls:

Ashta Laxmi Dolls set
The below one is set of Sapta Matrikas:

Set Of Sapta Matrika dolls
Matrikas means mothers and Sapta means number seven. These are the dolls of seven mothers . These are seven divine mothers , depicting the strength as well as maternal love.
Next one I found very interesting. These are set of dolls depicting series of rituals carried out in Hindu temple- Brahmotsava.

Brahmotsava at Tirupati
The above set narrates the Brahmotsava which is held in Tirupati every year.
Aren’t these beautiful and cute? If you are celebrating Gombe Habba , then this is the right place to select some dolls to add to your collection.
Here is the location address :
Traditional Arts Of India,
No 5,NAT street , Near Gandhi Bazar Circle,
Basavanagudi, Bengaluru
There are dolls which forms a some scenes in the society. about these I will share in the coming post.
Until then,
Love, Laugh and Live the life to the fullest,