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9 Responses

  1. Ms Sharma says:

    Wow! this is looking so beautiful. This clearly reflects your Mom's dedication and hard work. She has so much patience.

    Thanks for sharing such a lovely hand work. Yes You have got the talent from your Mom…:)

    Ms Sharma

  2. viji says:

    No doubt that this is the best one.
    Very nice work looks like a painting.
    Congragulate your mother for the nice work.

  3. Thank Ms.Sharma. You are right, she has too much of patience. It took 2-3 years to complete that.

  4. Thanks Viji, Sure, I will tell about the appreciations she has recieved for this.

  5. Dr Sonia S V says:

    WOW it is so stunning and the story makes it all the more special!


  6. Wow! You do embroidery?!? I've always wanted to learn the art of embroidering :)!! Didn't get the chance to.

    Your new follower is here :)!!

  7. Anonymous says:

    Hi, Came via Indivine.
    Though I don't know much about crafts, this one is impressive.
    Your mother is gifted, and hats off to her .
    I liked your other works too.I will visit often to increase my knowledge of crafts.



    There is problem at comments through WP.

  8. RajiSaj says:

    aha…no words……
    still my mouth is wide open…
    God bless….

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