Kamalkari embroidery designs – Dress Design
This is the recent work I completed. Here I have used Kamalkari embroidery, which is also known as Kamal kadai.
This is the one :

The dress
The Camera did not do justice to the beauty of the embroidery. I clicked many times, but still I am not happy with the result. So posting One more picture, with different background.

The dress- One more view
The neck design looks like this:

The neck design

The neck design
On the neck I have used, kamalkari embroidery for the flowers and leaves. The threads used are cone threads , with silver zari. And for the rest of the embroidery I have used silk thread.
All over the dress I have embroidered with motifs.

The motifs
The motif on the sleeves are also same , but in different color:

The motif on the sleeves
Similar designs I have used in saree design too.
Love, Laugh and Live the life to the fullest,