Navalgund Durries
Navalgund durries are the perfect carpet for your house to decorate. These are made of pure cotton threads. The beauty of the durries lies in it bright color and the geometrical designs.

The geometrical pattern and bright color
These are majorly made in a small town of Karnataka Navalgund. The origin of these durries is group of weavers who migrated from Bijapur to Navalgund, during 16th century. The two major types of durries woven in Navalgund are Jamkhana which are used for floor covering and jainamaaz, which are prayer mats. Nowadays the durries are used as home-decor.
The durries are woven using using cotton yarns in white, yellowe, red, blue , green, orange. The designs are Pagadi atte (dice game mat), Bada phool (big flower) and peacocks. The peacock designs are sometimes single and sometimes more than one.

The peacock design

Peacock design in different color

The dice game mat design
These durries are woven extensively by women, using the looms at home. These handmade durries are available in the market with the size 3X5 feet, 6X9 feet, 9X6 feet. The smaller ones are 2ft X 4 ft, which are prayer mats.

Prayer mats
These durries are foldable and easy to carry.

Foldable and easy to carry
This durrie has been registered for protection under the Geographical indication of the Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) agreement.
Though this is completely hand woven, the weavers still struggle to get returns in terms of money. It is our responsibility to help them buying and spreading about the handmade products.
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