Today sharing the peacock painting acrylic on canvas, which I had started in a workshop conducted by Shri. Rajesh Anand. I had shared about the progress of this painting, in Work In Progress post of last week. This is also a learning experience, like the floral acrylic painting, about which I had shared few day back. But in this painting I could do only 50-60% of the work. I was unable to paint the peacock feather. I thought in the beginning, it will be easy. But when I started the work, I couldn’t get the required effect. That my teacher completed. I am happy that , while making this painting too I learned many techniques of acrylic painting.
Here is the painting:

The peacock painting
The tree and flower , I could paint with teacher’s guidance. And I learnt painting the grass effect.

Shri Rajesh Anand ( our teacher)
Always , my favourite design is peacock, in any art or craft form. I almost all art and crafts , I am practising, I love to use peacock design. So I selected this picture for painting. It was a wonderful learning experience. I don’t say, I can paint independently without our teacher’s guidance, but I gained some confidence. So I have decided to practise acrylic painting. After attending workshops, I have reached a stage “I can give a try to paint”, from the stage , “It is impossible to paint this”. That is really a growing sign. 🙂

It me with the painting 🙂
I will keep sharing my experience with different arts and crafts, here. Keep visiting this blog, to know about different arts and craft of the world.
Love, Laugh and Live the life to the fullest,