Review of block printing materials from Amazon
Many readers ask me from where to get good block printing materials. Earlier I used to purchase it from local market. But in this pandemic , it is risky to go to local market. So I have purchased block printing materials from Amazon. Price is Rs. 880 +Rs 120 shipping, which I opine quite high. But I could not go out, so bought it.
It came in a small carton box:

The box containing materials
The materials in this box were two containers of binders, one small bottle of fixer and twelve bottles of fixers:

Materials in the box

Binders approx 250 ml

Fixer 100 ml

Though the price is high, I thought this is the better and trusted option as I could not go out. Tried with some of the blocks I have.

Trying it!

If you cannot get these materials outside, then you can order this.
Video of this review is also shared on my You Tube channel.
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