Embroidery design of the week- Simple vine design
This week sharing a simple embroidery design.Sometimes,simple designs give very good effect for embroidery, if the embroidery stitches and the thread selected are proper. This week I am sharing a simple design for hand embroidery.

Simple vine design
This is a simple design, and I have used buttonhole stitch, both for the leaves as well as the flower designs. Even satin stitch can be used for, the leaves.
Here is the embroidered design:

Embroidered with buttonhole stitch
This also can be used as border for saree, dress etc.

This can be used as border
Here is the closer view:

Closer view of buttonhole stitch embroidery
Here is one more embroidery- vine design. I will share some more designs in the coming weeks.
Love, Laugh and Live the life to the fullest,
Just Beautiful!