Tatting rose doily with tkt40 thread
This rose doily already I have tatted. There are three doilies I made. One was with Lizbetth thread. Another with Anchor tatting thread of size tkt20.
Though the end product looks very elegant and delicate, there are many difficulties while tatting with thin thread.The first one is the thread breaks often while pulling th ring.Thin threads can be hard to see, making it difficult to work accurately.Maintaining the consistent tension is harder. To avoid this, the thread should not be overstretched. But ulitimately looking at the finished the product, one will feel happy, and satisfied, because the lace will be very delicate.
Here is the rose doily I tried:

The doily
Just changed the background, to make it look clear:

On white background
Just comparing with the doily tatted using the thicker thread(tkt 40)

With the doily tatted with tkt 20 thread
I am making a lace using the same pattern for a saree. The flowers are made I need to make the lace. That will definitely take long time. I am now working on decoupage on bottle project. I will share the designs soon.
Love, Laugh and Live the life to the fullest,