Thread Paintings- Chitrasante -2017
Chitrasante is an event of exhibition of painting. Every year ,this is oraganized by Chitrakala Parishad , Bangalore. It is an ocean of paintings. Any lover of paintings should visit Chitrasante. This year it was held on 15th January 2017. You can view some unique paintings , which I have shared in my earlier posts:
There are few more interesting paintings, to share with you. These paintings are painted using threads , not with paints. These are known as thread painting, latest trend in embroidery. I could find these paintings with only one exhibitor.
Here are the thread painting exhibited, in Chitrasante-2017:

Thread paintings

Thread painting

Thread painting
At first glance, anybody will be deceived , as they look like paintings. One has to observe very closely to know that, these are made using thread. It requires lot of patience and practise to achieve the effect of painting.
I’m learning this art. Once I’m able to make such paintings, will try to post the tutorials too.
You can view some interesting paintings exhibited last year – Chitrasante-2016
Paintings of Bhudda – Chitrasante -2016
Love, laugh and live the life to the fullest,
Thank you
Incredible art work.
Thank you
So beautiful
Thank you
wonderful 🙂
Thank you
Too much creative