Wildlife paintings – exhibited in Chitrasante-2018
Though Chitrasante started 15 years ago, I started visiting Chitrasante , from 2016. I have shared about my first experience of visiting chitrasante. I was astonished to see the ocean of paintings. I just went on seeing the paintings. Could click only few photos. Last year, that is in 2017, when I visited Chitrasante, I could click many photos. I also observed that, there were many Bhuddha paintings. This year the number of exhibitors were increased many folds, so the paintings. In my previous post, I have shared about some unique paintings exhibited in Chitrasante 2018.
Wildlife paintings
As I have written in my last post, this year many wildlife paintings were exhibited. Sharing some of those here

Beautiful wildlife painting

Looks real !

My all time favourite peacock


Sketching of wildlife

Loved the colors used!

The most dignified animal
Each painting looks so realistic. Each exhibits the patience and talent of the artist. There were traditional paintings too. Will share the traditional paintings in coming post.
-until then,
Love, laugh and live the life to the fullest,
So beautiful!👌👌
It is AWESOME Ranjana!!! So hard to pick a favourite!!! I so wanted to visit Chitrasanthe at least this year but couldn’t! Must be a great feeling to be there among innumerable art and artists!
wow its awesome
I’ve been to KCP so many times — on reporting assignments. Dunno why I never got to go for Chitrasanthe. 🙁 I so badly want to see it. It happens in Jan is it? If I’m there around the event dates, I’m coming with you, Ranjana. 🙂
Thank you for showing us the pictures, I’ve been looking at the exhibits on your insta gallery too. Thank you. 🙂