Work In Progress On Wednesday- Crochet dress
I have started many works in crochet. This week started making a crochet dress. Last week I had started making a doily. that is still in progress. While searching some patterns on Pinterest , suddenly making idea of this crochet dress flashed to me . The shops where I used to buy the crochet threads are in Red zone regarding the current pandemic. So I had to rely on online shop to buy threads. I don’t like buying threads online. If we have the code number of the threads, then it is fine. Otherwise by looking at photo if we decide colors seeing at the photos, then most of the time we get different colors. Either there will be change in color or texture. To my luck, the shop, from whom I used to buy, has started online service too. So it became easy for me to get the threads.
So I have started working on the crochet dress:

The squares I have made
Meanwhile I should share that I have started learning sculptural painting. I have made three pendants using sculptural painting technique. Assembled with the matching beads.

Sculptural painting technique in jewel

Blue with crystal beads

With Green drop shaped beads
I just enjoyed making these. Sculptural painting requires lot of patience and practise. I will learn some more techniques in this. My favourite among all sets, is the red pendant one, (the first image). Which one you liked, do let me know 🙂
Love, Laugh and Live the life to the fullest,